wellness with caroline

Holistic health coaching

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Helping you live a sustainable healthy lifestyle

Hi! I'm Caroline...

I'm a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I help clients who are struggling ​to balance their personal and professional lives feel their best. By taking a step ​back and examining all aspects of health, I'm able to support clients in making ​small lifestyle changes that lead them to a more balanced and fulfilled life. My ​desire to help others feel their best comes from years of struggling with gut ​health issues and stress management.

I graduated from The University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill in 2019 and ​moved to New York City to start working as an investment banking analyst. The ​intense nature of my job, and the city itself, led to chronic stress, nutrient ​deficiencies, food intolerances, and low energy. I met with multiple conventional ​doctors, but no one was able to provide solutions or determine the root cause of ​my symptoms. It wasn't until I slowed down and began to prioritize things that ​made me feel my best, both on and off my plate, was when I began to see a true ​shift in how I felt.

With a goal to help others avoid the same struggles, I enrolled in the Institute for ​Integrative Nutrition to gain a deeper understanding of health & wellness and ​receive my coaching certification. Today, I aim to make positive lifestyle choices ​that fuel me in all aspects of my life. I always focus on progress & consistency, ​not perfection.

Well Program

My coaching program has been designed to help you make sustainable lifestyle changes, which will then turn into daily habits, creating lasting results in just 3 months


whole self

I'll help you take a step back and look at health from a holistic perspective -

mind, body, and soul.

We'll discuss all aspects of your life (work, social life, home environment, eating habits, physical activity routine, etc.) to determine where you can begin making positive changes



You'll learn about healthier lifestyle habits you can adopt to feel your best, while also balancing your personal and professional lives



I will help you to begin implementing these new habits, while also having fun. This will lead to positive, long-term lifestyle changes



By the end of my program, you’ll be living a happier, more sustainable lifestyle. Our end goal together is to find more fulfillment in all areas of your life

My 3 month program includes 1:1 coaching sessions, a personalized wellness plan with actionable steps, continuous accountability, and more

wellness with caroline

Holistic health coaching

Single Coaching Session

I offer single coaching sessions for those looking to kickstart their health & wellness journey

My single 60 minute sessions focus on goal & intention setting to help you balance your personal & professional lives, leading to an overall more fulfilled lifestyle. I'll provide personalized recommendations on creating healthy habits, and I'll be able to answer any questions you have as your navigate your

health & wellness journey

Small, consistent habits lead to lasting change

Wellness with caroline



Holistic health coaching

I studied at and earned my health coaching certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) is the world's leading integrative health education and certification platform. At IIN, I studied physical health, nutrition, mental and emotional health, spiritually, coaching, and business. The core concepts I studied and now practice are:

  • Bio-Individuality: Emphasizes finding the foods and lifestyle practices that align with your unique needs to create sustainable healthy habits
  • Multi-Dimensional Health: Considers all aspects for an individual from physical health, nutrition, and environment, to mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being
  • Primary Foods: Nourishes everything in your life that is off your plate, such as your relationships, career, social life, home environment, and more

IIN is licensed by the New York State Education Department and affiliated with The State University of New York (SUNY). IIN is also recognized by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) as an approved program provider.

A few of my teachers included:

  • Joshua Rosenthal, Founder, Director, and Primary Teacher of Institute for Integrative Nutrition
  • Zach Bush, MD, Board-Certified Physician and Microbiome Expert
  • Gabby Bernstein, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Bestselling Author
  • Andrew Weil, MD, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona
  • Joseph Petrosino, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Innovation Officer at Baylor College of Medicine

Wellness with caroline



Holistic health coaching

wellness with caroline

Holistic health coaching

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